“The mutually-beneficial program provides participants with internships that match their interests and abilities and helps local businesses fill employment needs.”


Experience is Preparation
Internships are a great learning experience for any young adult preparing to start their career. VTC’s CREATE Internships program pairs transition-aged individuals with disabilities (ages 18-28) with local employers seeking to fill in-demand vacancies in their companies. The program’s goal is to help participants gain the experience and confidence to become a productive member of the workforce.
Internships are a great opportunity for young adults with disabilities to not only build their resume and work history, but their confidence as well. From skill assessment and opportunity exploration to education and training, the CREATE Internships program provides a customized roadmap to help individuals complete a paid internship in a competitive and integrated position.
Participants typically fall into two broad categories: those who have demonstrated employable skills but have been unsuccessful in attaining their first job, and those who have held jobs but have had difficulty accessing their desired career path. When needed, our experienced, dedicated team provides job coaching throughout the internship. If interested in any of our programs, qualified individuals can work with their SEHSC (Southeast Human Service Center) DDPM to place a referral to VTC.